A-Z Guide To Basement Waterproofing Terms

In the basement waterproofing business, there are many construction terms that are only applicable to professional waterproofing contractors. When you’re ready to start your basement waterproofing job with Tom’s Basement Waterproofing, here is a handy list of terms and meanings to help you hold your own with the pro’s!

Absorption – Often used to describe areas in the foundation that have become saturated; water vapor that has been sucked into an area and stored.

Backfill – Use to fill areas in basements, trenches, or inside a foundation.

Bleeder – A common device used in basement waterproofing to help relieve wet or leaky basements; usually made from PVC and is shaped as a drain to reach from your basement to your ground or specific drains.

Tom’s Basement Waterproofing Has 40 Years of Experience

Carbon Fiber – Strips that are adhered to a basement foundation or wall that will stop and cracks or breaks in your foundation from continuously growing.

Cove – Space that is formed between the walls and floors that often leave an opening for water to enter into a basement.

Drain Tiles – A hard substance formed into a tube that is laid out in a basement to stop water from intruding any further into a home.

Dampproofing – Often performed during initial construction on a house or structure, and will eliminate moisture from occurring in a basement.

Effloresence – A while powdery mineral that shows up on walls of basements.

Epoxy – Substance injected into a wall if the foundation is prone to moving or sliding; will encourage the settling of a house.

French Drain – A subfloor drain that will move water from basements through a pressurized process.

Hydrostatic Pressure – Water that is pressing against the foundation of a building, and common when there are multiple areas of water at different levels of foundation or ground variation.

Lateral Pressure – Soil pressure that is pushed upon walls of a foundation; when too strong it can create cracks in a basement.

Polyurethane – Similar to epoxy, but used for different waterproofing methods; substance injected into a wall to prevent leaks from continuing or occurring.

Radon Gas – A radioactive and odorless gas that can seep through basement floors; it can become dangerous as it rises to higher levels of air.

Sealant – Substance placed onto the exterior of a basement foundation; a strong substance that can hold a foundation together in all weather elements.

Stone Backfill – Aggregates that create a backfill or trench, allowing basements to release water; often used in conjunction with drain tiles.

Thermal Movement – When a foundation shifts based on temperature changes.

Wall Deflection – The ratio and distance between a wall’s horizontal and vertical proportions.

Call The Experts At Tom’s Basement Waterproofing Now To Save Yourself The Headaches And Hassles Of Keeping Your Basement Dry (586) 776-7270