Basement Waterproofing In Michigan Starts At The Roof

When most people think about basement waterproofing, they imagine people working inside the actual basement. This is a crucial part of the process, but there are a few steps that come before that. Believe it or not, basement waterproofing actually starts on the roof because that is where water first hits your home. Here is a look at upper-level basement waterproofing that will protect your foundation moving forward.

Clean Gutters And Well-Planned Water Drainage Systems

In Michigan, there are two primary sources of foundation water buildups – groundwater in the soil and rainwater from the sky. You cannot do much about the groundwater near your property, but you can control the rainwater. With clean gutters and a well-planned drainage system, you can direct rain and melting snow away from your property line. This will prevent it from building up at the base of the building and cracking your foundation under the pressure.

If you do not have gutters currently, it would be wise to get them. You could also explore ideas like installing a French drain in your yard. If you have gutters that are clogged with dirt and debris, clean them out so they can work properly. You can also install gutter guards to keep leaves and twigs out of your gutters for good. The water will still drain into the gutters, but you won’t have nearly as much cleaning to do.

Other Ways To Reduce Water Pressure Around Your Basement

Here are some other ways you could reduce the water pressure around your foundation and extend the life of your basement waterproofing:

  • If you have plants near your home, be careful about how often you water them. If you provide more water than the plant roots can absorb, it may seep around your basement.
  • If your home is particularly susceptible to rain storms, you may need oversized gutters to accommodate the flow of water. Keep that in mind when installing your drainage system.
  • If your home is on the downward side of a slope, make sure you have drainage systems at various points on the property to collect water before it builds up around your foundation.
  • Invest in interior and exterior basement waterproofing to protect your home at all angles.
  • Look for signs of foundation cracks and other damage, and get them fixed as soon as possible. This will save you a lot of money in the long run.