While there is no official rule that says you need to have a foundation inspection performed before putting your house on the market, it is extremely unwise not to. At Tom’s Basement Waterproofing, we want you to get the most out of your home. Whether you are buying or selling, a foundation inspection is likely going to happen. As a seller, if you want to get the highest asking price for your home, it’s best to know what you are up against ahead of time.
A Home’s Clean Bill of Health
First, it’s important to talk about a foundation inspection that finds no issues. If you are putting your house on the market, having full confidence going into negotiations is a must. If your home is completely ready and without any need for repairs, then your selling price is able to reflect that. Ultimately, this leads to less confusion, no anxiety during the process, and ultimately a smoother sale.
Your Foundation Needs Work
So, what if you decide to get a foundation inspection before putting your house on the market and there happens to be an issue? That’s okay, too! Being knowledgeable about a home you are about to sell is one of the best ways to keep your upper hand in negotiations. Once the inspection is back and you have identified a problem, it’s important to know your options. Should you decide to go ahead and repair the issues, you can market your home as newly repaired. Should this particular repair be something you are not prepared to do at this time, it’s okay to fully disclose the repair issues during negotiations and offer estimates that are fair to include or factor in for the buyer. Ultimately, having this knowledge ahead of time shows integrity and allows for easier, more reliable negotiations.
Our Comprehensive Foundation Inspections
At Tom’s Basement Waterproofing, we are proud to be Michigan’s best foundation repair and basement waterproofing provider since 1975. We will give you an honest estimate based on your foundation repair needs and our foundation inspections are extremely thorough. We offer affordable prices, experienced professionals and honesty in every aspect of your foundation inspection.
If you are looking for an affordable, no obligation way to get a reliable foundation inspection before putting your house on the market, give our dedicated team a call today. Reach out to Tom’s Basement Waterproofing by calling (586) 776-7270.