When searching for a new home to purchase, each house is unique and some may have issues you haven’t ever considered. Nobody wants to move into their new home and discover that they’ve inherited a serious issue like water damage or active leaks. Before you get serious about a particular house and go through the very worthy expense of hiring a home inspector, consider this list of signs that may indicate water damage.
Signs of Mold
The most serious issue when it comes to water damage is the presence of mold in a house. It can require costly remediation or can be bad enough that the house is uninhabitable until it is eradicated. Most people know mold when they see it, but problematic mold is typically located in areas you cannot see, like within drywall or the structural framework of the house. Any discolored or soft areas in the drywall indicate a moisture problem and potential mold growth. Any signs of mold should steer you away from buying a particular house. Mold is often an iceberg type issue: what you can see is only a fraction of the problem.
Signs of Mineral Deposits
When water from outdoors enters a house, it often leaves mineral deposits, known as efflorescence. This is visible as a chalky residue on the inside of brick walls or concrete foundations. If mineral deposits are present, it means that water is getting through the walls. The most likely culprit is cracks or holes in the walls or foundation. While it’s not as serious as mold growth, it does warrant further investigation. For a house that’s otherwise perfect, it’s worth hiring a professional home inspector or preferably a basement waterproofing expert to assess the issue. Many of the solutions for this problem are minor and less costly than you might think.
Check the Basement for Problems
If water is entering a house, it’s most likely to happen in the basement. So, spend a bit of time looking around and trust your nose. Obviously, any visible water is a problem. But if a basement smells damp or musty, it’s a sign of excess moisture or mildew. For the smell to really settle in, it likely means the issue is fairly extensive. Either a lot of water has entered or it’s been leaking for some time and there is potential for a lot of damage. Once again, it’s not necessarily a deal breaker, but should be investigated. Strong smells in any area of a house that you are viewing should be cause for some concern.
Tom’s Basement Waterproofing has been proud to serve the Metro Detroit area since 1975, offering basement and foundation waterproofing and repair with a guarantee. Give us a call today at 586-949-7826 or 586-776-7270 for a free, no obligation evaluation! Let us help you get started in your new home, without worrying about water damage.