4 More Ways To Keep Your Home’s Basement Dry

The topic of keeping your basement dry cannot be emphasized enough with Tom’s Basement Waterproofing. The way we see it, the dryer your basement is, the less money that is coming out of your pocket down the line. However, many homeowners don’t always realize the urgency of keeping up their basements to make sure they stay dry. After all, if everything looks good now, why worry about it?

When your basement becomes wet, damp, or flooded, a multitude of problems start to occur:

  • The foundation of your home is compromised.
  • The likelihood for accidents increases (i.e., slipping and falling, fires).
  • Electronics are severely damaged and often too costly to replace.
  • Basements that are used for storage end up with piles of trash when wet.
  • Mold becomes a present and constant figure across your entire house.

The realities of a wet basement are very serious and the professionals at Tom’s Basement Waterproofing want to make sure you have taken every precautionary measure to keep your home water free!

  1. Install a dehumidifierJust like the name implies, a dehumidifier’s job is to remove the excess moisture from the air in your basement. If your basement is susceptible to wet, damp, or cold conditions, a dehumidifier is your best option for regulating temperatures and elements. However, don’t forget to turn your dehumidifiers off if there is a flood! There is nothing engineered in a dehumidifier to suck up the excess water and will damage your appliance.
  2. Washer and dyers should vent outside – Problems with your washer and dryer connections could also be causing problems in your basement. Make sure to check your washer and dryers at least once a year to ensure that all connections and cords are working properly and are connected. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure the washer is not leaking, and that the dryer vent is headed outside.
  3. Install exhaust fans – Do you have a bathroom in your basement? Are you considering installing a bathroom in your basement? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you’ll want to make sure to install an exhaust fan. This mechanism will eliminate any additional humidity that can accumulate from showering the basement. Make sure to keep your exhaust fans running for about 15 minutes after you’ve taken a shower, to ensure that all the moisture is gone.
  4. Paint interior walls with water-resistant materials – Hopefully the paint on your walls combats against moisture. If you notice that your basement walls wick, you may also start to notice more wear and tear over time. Not only does this diminish the appeal and value of your basement, it will also damage the walls, making them more susceptible to water issues. Keep your walls painted with water-resistant paint to help combat this issue.

For more suggestions on how to keep your basement free of water, give us a call at Tom’s Basement Waterproofing today! (586) 776-7270